Developing Designer
Hopefully you can see from the two examples on the Learning Facilitator page that I am developing as a designer of adult learning. Although I have been coaching and consulting for almost two decades, I continue to improve my presentation design and delivery. Thus far my focus has been on supporting math instruction, however, my instruction as a teacher, coach and consultant has always been very technologically advanced compared with my peers. The ALR presentation is a good example of how I engage adult learners, elicit high yield of participation and from my feedback you might see how my presentation style, activities motivate teachers to take what they have learned in a single session and employ it right away. As a matter of fact, my goal is to make professional development innovative, informative and implementable.
As an ITC, I am likely to explore the use of two main instructional frameworks; SAMR & TPACK. These are two frameworks that are often compared and pitted against each other, however, I can see how both can be used by an ITC based on the needs of the school, or individual classroom or teacher. They both focus on how to integrate technology into education, but the SAMR model may be too basic for newer teachers who are extremely tech savvy and may need to focus on understanding pedagogy as a newer teacher. On the other hand seasoned teachers who have a handle on pedagogy and content knowledge, but may be a bit shy of integrating technology even with the use of and LMS (learning management system) such as Canvas or Schoology, might benefit from focusing on the SAMR model which would take what they already do and incorporate technology when and where it makes sense.
It is always difficult to say what I would do to support teaching and learning, but I can tell you what I have done to incorporate digital tools in my own instruction with students and teachers. Here is a Padlet that has samples of some of the digital tools I have used with teachers and students and can teach to others.
My last sample is of a virtual presentation on explicit vocabulary instruction. The same tools and strategies I am able to use in this virtual training session are ones that I could use to support teaching and learning with teachers and students. Here is the presentation and video recording of one of my sessions: